It shall not be permitted to include the price terms for transfer the shares into the information of the transfer of shares open to public. 向社会公开的股份转让信息内容不得包括出让股份的价格条件。
In the future development of the water rights, water rights except water abstraction rights should be permitted to transfer legally. 以此为契机,我国未来水权制度的发展应明晰水权,并允许除取水权以外的其他水权依法转让。
In the tree-structure for the parameters-based remodeling, only vertical transfers were permitted and cross transfers were forbidden. So the tree-structure set an agile and credible parameter transfer channel for variant design, and provided the foundation for the modularization of the parameter transfer structure. 该结构规定参数只允许纵向传递,避免了参数之间的交叉传递,为复杂产品变型设计提供了有效的变型信息传递通道,并在此基础上实现了参数传递结构的模块化。
The pollutant discharge right transference system is a system in which the resource value is given to environmental quantity, the property right is determined and is permitted to transfer. 排污权交易制度是指赋于环境容量资源价值,确定产权,并允许产权自由转让交易的制度。